Sairam Acupuncture Clinic is an integrated holistic healing founded in 2015 at Madurai. We are specialized in Acupuncture, Acupressure, Sujok, Varma, Clinical Hypnosis and Energy Healing. We are one of the leading and best pain relief clinic in Chennai. Our intention is to create healthy society with integrated holistic healing.
Acupuncture is one of the best ways to relax the nervous system and promote a state of calm and relaxation.
100% Naturally
Best Treatment
Trained Professionals
our Specialist
Ln. Dr. S. Mohan
D.A.T.,M.D(Acu), Ph.d.,
Dr. Dhana Lakshmi Mohan
Our Vision
To contribute in transforming disease free society through Best Treatment practices. Promoting wellness awareness.
Our Mission
To provide quality treatment by addressing the root cause with integrated holistic healing.
Our Specialties
SSAI & TC is one of the top rated Acupuncture, Acupressure, Varma and Hypnotherapy treatment centre in Madurai